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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women? The American Cancer Society recommends women 45 to 54 to get mammograms every year. Women 55 and older can switch to a mammogram every other year, or they can choose to continue yearly mammograms. 

Symptoms of Breast Cancer can often include:

  • Any change in the size or the shape of the breast.
  • Pain in any area of the breast.
  • Nipple discharge other than breast milk (including blood).
  • A new lump in the breast or underarm.

It is recommended to check your breasts often by performing a breast self-exam at home. Here are some steps you can follow during your self-exam:

Step 1: Examine your breasts in a mirror with hands on hips. You should look for breasts that are their usual size, shape, and color with no distortion or swelling.

Step 2: Raise arms and examine your breasts.

Step 3: Look for signs of breast fluid.

Step 4: Feel for breast lumps while lying down.

Step 5: Feel your breasts for lumps while standing or sitting.

Receiving a mammogram regularly and performing monthly breast self-exams at home is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you have any signs that worry you, or if you have questions, make an appointment with your primary care provider right away.
